Sometimes you need to CHOOSE to be transparent. Don't let that pride keep you wrapped up, bound up, tied up, and caught up in your own hype about who you think you are and what will others think. That's why you're not free now. Freedom... how bad do you want it? For some of you... not bad enough. The enemy has you right where he wants you. You won't reach out for help... You won't expose what the enemy is trying to do to you and/or your family... You are trying to handle it alone... You are doing things your own way rather than lining up with the Word of God... Hmmmm... who's under whose feet? Seems to me like you are being stomped, trampled, kicked... and you think it's all under wraps. Guess what? You are probably the only one who is clueless!! GET FREE!!! #transparency #exposetheenemy #getwhatisyours
When will you realize that the stuff you've experienced and overcome is the same stuff that helped build your faith and will help you get through the stuff you are facing now? Sure... the enemy did mean for it to tear you up and tear you down. BUT God has flipped the script on the enemy and the realization of the awesomeness of how God brought out of one thing after another is what will catapult you on to you next victory. So... stop murmuring and complaining... stop feeling sorry for yourself... stop wishing your life was like someone else's life... Get up, dust yourself off, drop the sackcloth and ashes... go wash your face... and start LIVING!!! You've got devil butt to kick today so put on the right shoes and start kicking his behind, stomping his head, and marching on to your victory! Got that?
I have struggled all day to get a particular piece of technology working properly. I even read the directions!! Nothing was working. Uninstalling and re-installing the software, turning the computer off and on, turning the printer/scanner off and on, going online for help... NOTHING WORKED! After missing a couple of deadlines, I still plugged away at it. I knew there had to be an answer. Isn't it amazing when you find out the God cares, really is concerned about the little stuff as much as the big stuff? I opened up another file, found the hardware, and in no time at all was able to get the test run to work. Wow!!! Don't give up, no matter how it may seem to you. There is an answer. There is a solution. It is not always the most obvious or the most logical. Sometimes it isn't even something that anyone knows to suggest to you. Just trust and know that God has all the answers for every area of your life. The enemy lost this time because I didn't lose it! I had to contact the person to whom I was trying to send info and let her knew that somehow she'll get it tomorrow, even if I have to go and buy another device! Guess the enemy realized then that his weapon wasn't working and wasn't going to work. Take heed... Take a deep breath... let it out slowly... relax and regroup.
#lifelesson #teachablemoment #enjoyingMYfaithwalk The enemy has been throwing all sorts of stuff at you... Now you REALLY know what time it is! Your breakthrough is breaking through, right about...NOW!! Don't give up! Don't quit! Don't even slow down! Keep on marching towards the manifestation of what has already been birthed in your spirit!! GOD has not forgotten you! GOD has not forsaken you! GOD is going to keep every promise that He made to you! GOD has got an awesome plan for your life! Be strengthened... Be encouraged... Be more determined than ever to finish STRONG!! BREAKTHROUGH is BREAKING THROUGH!!! Now... anybody care to dance with me? #victorydance
I recently shared some words of encouragement on one of my Facebook pages, Psalm 139 Woman - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Divas of Fitness, the other day. I thought that the underlying message could be applied no matter what it was we were praying about and needed to encourage ourselves with faith in what the Word of God says. So I hope this encourages you as well...
As we pray and believe God for healing, we must be mindful of the fact that we, too, have a part to play. The proper diet, the proper amount physical activity, constant renewal of the mind with the Word of God... are also a part of the equation. Knowing who you and Whose you are enables you to face the challenges without flinching; you already know the end of the story. Enjoy each phase of the journey... it's a testimony of what your Father has deposited and continues to deposit into you, if you always leave this and every area of your life open to Him. Now go and conquer the day, Divas!! You and God... y'all got this!!! Love you! Muuuuuaaaaahhhh!!! Your life may not have turned out the way you thought it would. You may look around and wonder how in the world you got where you are. You may wonder how in the world you will even get out of the place you now find yourself in. Step back and let God settle and comfort you. Then, realize that none of it was a surprise to Him. Let Him take your hand and guide you on the rest of your journey. Some of what has happened will make sense over time... some things will never make sense. But choosing to trust the Father 100% is the right move to make. Stop agonizing over the past, and stop crying about your present. Begin to live with expectation that the best is INDEED yet to come!
A friend of mine forwarded a link that connected me to a short article I wrote back in February 2002. It was actually a note I had written to someone to encourage them, and it ended up getting published! When I read it today, I immediately thought about the fact that the enemy does the same thing over and over and over and over... and over again! Nothing's new. Be encouraged as you read this and realize that you are right at the point of breakthrough!
DECEPTION You know that the devil gets angry, down right mad…. Has to put things in motion to try to distract us, to make us take our eyes off of the goals we have before us, to make us not see that what we are doing is working…. to make us grow weary in well doing…. He’s a liar… he’s the father of lies…. he’s the construction manager of the great smoke screens that are erected in front of us to deceive us into thinking things aren’t going well, that things are totally different than what they really are… Pastor Davis talked about it the other day…. When we are right on the brink of our breakthrough the devil paints a picture, creates a situation that is TOTALLY unrelated to everything else to get us off our focus…. DON’T FALL FOR IT!!!! When we are broken, God can put us together after a fashion that is unique to His plan for us. Hop back on the potter’s wheel and get the pieces put together and the rough edges smoothed out. The new things that are on the horizon are beckoning to you, calling to you, drawing you to them. You know it's God. You know it's what you have nurtured and pondered in your heart for quite some time. You can see yourself getting closer and closer to that place that you long to be. So what's the problem? The harder you try to move forward to get to that next step, that next phase of your journey, the more it feels like you are frozen or stuck where you are.
Many of us have to make sure that we are willing to not only step up, but to step out of where we are in order to get to that next phase of our journey. There are people and things that we have gathered or accumulated thus far on the journey that have to be released in order for us to make the progress we desire to make. Some friends are seasonal. Some things are for a specific time or era in or lives. Some ideas are in need of replacement. We have to be open for change. Ask God to help you examine where you are and to put it into perspective compared to where you desire to go. That burning passion and vision that you have deep within is real. But often we get stuck on the "how to" and are not open to the revisions that may need to take place in the original plans. Sometimes God can't give us the minute details too early. But when He's ready to lead us into the necessary editing of the original plans, we often cling to what we know and don't realize that what we know only got us to where we are; what we need to know will get us to the next level. Time to regroup. Time to press the "reset" button. Time to renew your mind and your heart and get that new surge of energy to take it on to the next phase. We make it so hard on ourselves sometimes. I know it's a worn out phrase, but we truly need to "Let go and let God" guide us on this journey. This allows Him to get all of the glory and the lives of many will be changed in the process. So on the count of three.... 1...2...3... RESET! Now, let's GO! |
AuthorAudrea Winbush Lott Archives
February 2014