When the enemy comes in.... like a flood the Lord raises up a standard against him, defeats Him, and shows Himself strong on behalf of those who are His. I would like to share two postings from my personal Facebook status updates. I want to share with you how powerful prayer is and what an awesome tool we have when are united in prayer, praying the will of God, according to what is written in His Word and in our hearts. Our family is celebrating tonight because of that great power of prayer. Please read the following and be encouraged!
February 15, 2012 Status Update:
So grateful for that the fervent, effectual prayers of the righteous have much power and get things done! Had to put a call out this afternoon for prayers... my mother-in-love was being rushed to the hospital and wasn't responding at all. Well... tonight, she's resting well, and when hubby sent me a text he said she was sitting up, talking; she'll be there overnight for tests, but we are expecting God's best for His 80 yrs young daughter. When I tell you that my God is GOOD! My, my, my!!! As the prayers continue, we are expected improvement for both of hubby's parents. They are in two different hospitals, but Holy Spirit is where each of them rests tonight. #lovingMYfaithwalk #greatisTHYfaithfulness
James 5:16b
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
February 16, 2012 Status Update:
God is GOOOOD!!! Hubby's parents are doing much better...
They canNOT find evidence of a stroke in my mom-in-love!!! GLOOORY!!! They have stuck, probed, prodded, taken pics... To God be the glory. They are simply going to make an adjustment to one of her meds that may be too strong - (hubby's been trying to tell them that long before this happened - too many strong meds). She's in the hospital again, overnight... We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Now, Rev. Lott, my father-in-love, is doing much better as well. He is stable, VERY cooperative now, and says he was "almost a goner" there! He began describing how people rushed in the room and he watched as they worked on him -- his heart had stopped, they called a CODE BLUE and he didn't really realize what had happened until he heard, "Code Blue" over the intercom and it triggered his memory. Whew!! He described it as people coming out of everywhere and working on him... God had men working on him in the natural and angels embattled in the spirit realm on his behalf! I cannot wait to hear for myself what he has to say about it!
Yup! The enemy tried to take 'em, but the prayers of the righteous prevailed!!! We celebrate the bigness, the awesomeness, the vastness, the omnipotence, the omnipresence, the omniscience, and the love of our God tonight!!! Instead of planning two homegoing/funeral/goodbye services, we celebrate, we shout, and we give our God ALL the glory!!!
I know some may not believe... that's okay. I choose to do so. I choose to believe that when I pray He hears me and He answers. He's done it in the past and He's done it again. Stop worrying about what you are going through; allow your faith to be strengthened as you are being prepared for what lies ahead. And for those of you who prayed, thank you is not enough. May God bless you immensely for the seeds of faith that you have sown in prayer on behalf of our family. Each time hubby has called me today, I could hear laughter and the sounds of joy in the background. What a God, what a God, WHAT A MIGHTY GOD we serve!!!
MY God is a good God, yes He is!!! Be encouraged tonight, one and all. Be encouraged!
I hope this has brought some encouragement, some hope, some raised expectations on your part concerning the prayers and requests that you have made known to the Father. I also pray that you will seek out those who believe like you do, if you haven't already. Ask God to show you those with whom you can join your faith so that you can pray for one another. Work that faith muscle, develop it, nourish it with the Word of God, and change your perception about your challenges... look at them as opportunities to work that muscle, grow your faith, and to prepare you for what lies ahead.MY God is faithful!!
February 15, 2012 Status Update:
So grateful for that the fervent, effectual prayers of the righteous have much power and get things done! Had to put a call out this afternoon for prayers... my mother-in-love was being rushed to the hospital and wasn't responding at all. Well... tonight, she's resting well, and when hubby sent me a text he said she was sitting up, talking; she'll be there overnight for tests, but we are expecting God's best for His 80 yrs young daughter. When I tell you that my God is GOOD! My, my, my!!! As the prayers continue, we are expected improvement for both of hubby's parents. They are in two different hospitals, but Holy Spirit is where each of them rests tonight. #lovingMYfaithwalk #greatisTHYfaithfulness
James 5:16b
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
February 16, 2012 Status Update:
God is GOOOOD!!! Hubby's parents are doing much better...
They canNOT find evidence of a stroke in my mom-in-love!!! GLOOORY!!! They have stuck, probed, prodded, taken pics... To God be the glory. They are simply going to make an adjustment to one of her meds that may be too strong - (hubby's been trying to tell them that long before this happened - too many strong meds). She's in the hospital again, overnight... We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Now, Rev. Lott, my father-in-love, is doing much better as well. He is stable, VERY cooperative now, and says he was "almost a goner" there! He began describing how people rushed in the room and he watched as they worked on him -- his heart had stopped, they called a CODE BLUE and he didn't really realize what had happened until he heard, "Code Blue" over the intercom and it triggered his memory. Whew!! He described it as people coming out of everywhere and working on him... God had men working on him in the natural and angels embattled in the spirit realm on his behalf! I cannot wait to hear for myself what he has to say about it!
Yup! The enemy tried to take 'em, but the prayers of the righteous prevailed!!! We celebrate the bigness, the awesomeness, the vastness, the omnipotence, the omnipresence, the omniscience, and the love of our God tonight!!! Instead of planning two homegoing/funeral/goodbye services, we celebrate, we shout, and we give our God ALL the glory!!!
I know some may not believe... that's okay. I choose to do so. I choose to believe that when I pray He hears me and He answers. He's done it in the past and He's done it again. Stop worrying about what you are going through; allow your faith to be strengthened as you are being prepared for what lies ahead. And for those of you who prayed, thank you is not enough. May God bless you immensely for the seeds of faith that you have sown in prayer on behalf of our family. Each time hubby has called me today, I could hear laughter and the sounds of joy in the background. What a God, what a God, WHAT A MIGHTY GOD we serve!!!
MY God is a good God, yes He is!!! Be encouraged tonight, one and all. Be encouraged!
I hope this has brought some encouragement, some hope, some raised expectations on your part concerning the prayers and requests that you have made known to the Father. I also pray that you will seek out those who believe like you do, if you haven't already. Ask God to show you those with whom you can join your faith so that you can pray for one another. Work that faith muscle, develop it, nourish it with the Word of God, and change your perception about your challenges... look at them as opportunities to work that muscle, grow your faith, and to prepare you for what lies ahead.MY God is faithful!!